Nou Casal. 10 anys​​​​​​​
In 2021 I was asked to create the visual identity and campaign for the 10th anniversary of Casal de la Font d'en Fargues. The campaign was structured around 5 topics: Neighborhood, Culture, History, Network and Entities. We created a blog where the people of the neighborhood could contribute their ideas, memories, proposals, etc. All publications were grouped by subject. In addition to the blog, several pieces of communication were created, both offline and online.
El 2021 em van demanar que creés la identitat gràfica i la campanya de comunicació del 10è aniversari del Casal de la Font d'en Fargues.
La campanya s'estructurava al voltant de 5 temes: Barri, Cultura, Història, Xarxa i Entitats. Vam crear un blog on la gent del barri podia aportar les seves idees, records, propostes, etc. Totes les publicacions s'agrupaven per temàtica.
A més del blog, es van crear diverses peces de comunicació, tant offline com online.
Client: Casal Font d'en Fargues / Aj. de Barcelona
My Role: Art Direction / Graphic Design / Illustration / Copy

Development: Sergio Martínez
Key Visuals
OOH. Poster
OOH. Banners
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